Tag Archives: Protecting Elders from abuse

What is Elder Abuse in California?

FAQ: What is Elder Abuse in California? What is Elder Abuse in California? - Elder abuse in California can be either civil or criminal. When abuse against an elder person takes place, specific laws, either civil or criminal, determine the consequences. An elder person is someone who is 65 years old or older.
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Protecting the Elderly from Abuse

Protecting the elderly from abuse is a pertinent issue in society today. The pertinence has increased due to the growing number of elder abuse cases being reported. Elder abuse is often under reported by the elderly. There are many reasons why the elderly do not report abuse. One reason is that they are not connected to the new technology, such as cellular devices, or the internet. The lack of connection to newer forms of technology limits there ability to reach out to others. In addition, the lack of connection to technology, such as the internet does not allow for them to easily research the resources available for senior citizens in their community.
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Elder abuse education and what to look for

Elder abuse education is extremely important these days. The number of elder abuse cases have been on the rise. In comparison to the number of cases reported there is not enough funding to hire on the number of staff members required to assist with preventing elder abuse. Elder abuse can occur in any community, any…
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What are the Different Forms of Elder Abuse?

Contact an Orange County Attorney to help you identify forms of Elder Abuse Forms of Elder Abuse are often not discuss and therefore there is some confusion as to what elder abuse consists of. Elder abuse can be physical, emotional and financial, or any form of neglect. Physical abuse can consist of hitting, punching, slapping…
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Elder Abuse Act of 2011

The Elder Abuse Act of 2011, also known as bill number S.462 is a bill that will not only protect the elderly but will help to preserve goodness in society. Those being affected by elder abuse occurring around the world could potentially be someone’s grandma, mother, sister, aunt or wife. It is important that social…
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