Category Archives: Property division attorney orange county ca
In a current blog post A Checklist point out a valuable and general list of assets that are often ignored or concealed in divorces and legal separations. In California, all assets obtained during marriage by both party are assumed to be community property. It is vital that before the property settlement or division of propertyin…
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Omitted assets are assets that are kept out of the divorce sometimes done unintentionally but mostly done intentionally. While going through a divorce you and your spouse are to put forward all of your assets. People may try to omit their assets but that would not be wise. If that is done then the court…
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One of the more stressful moments in a divorce occurs when ex couples start splitting up the household. Here are some simple pointers to keep in mind to make sure you keep a cool head during this time. If it is replaceable, keep in mind that you may end up spending more in attorney fees…
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This is similar to a divorce in regards to the process of dividing assets, deciding child custody and visitation, and arranging support. If you are considering a legal separation you will want to know the process and the differences between legal separation and divorce. In a nutshell, with a legal separation you have filed the…
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Commingling is a term used for when a person's separate property, such as a personal inheritance, is placed in the same account or used to buy something as the community property such as earnings from the marriage or domestic partnership. For example, a common occurrence is when one person uses money from the sale of house prior to the…
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Separate property is property that during a divorce does not need to be divided. At times, although property was acquired during marriage it can still be considered separate property. In addition, if something was a gift or inherited it is also separate property. Therefore, these types of property obtained would not need to be divided…
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Once you are divorced from your spouse or separated from your domestic partner, the property that was acquired during your union will need to be fairly divided. Even if this issue was decided upon outside of the court, the judge will need to make a formal order to avoid any legal confusion in the future.…
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In a divorce the parties real and personal property must be divided. If you are filing for a divorce in California they use the community property law to divide assets. The community property law states that all property that the two parties attain jointly will need to be divided evenly. The exception would be if…
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One of the conflicted issues that you may come across during the divorce process is the division of marital assets and debts. First of all, you are not filing for divorce because you are happily married. That given, you are probably not willing to give up on the property you shared together. In addition,…
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