Tag Archives: Domestic Partner

Are you thinking about filing for divorce?

If you and your spouse or domestic partner are thinking about filing for divorce, it is imperative that both of you educate yourselves about the process and about your legal rights.  At Yanez & Associates, our firm explains in plain English all aspects of the divorce process. Our attorneys know this is a difficult time…
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Dividing Property

Once you are divorced from your spouse or separated from your domestic partner, the property that was acquired during your union will need to be fairly divided. Even if this issue was decided upon outside of the court, the judge will need to make a formal order to avoid any legal confusion in the future.…
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Partner Support

If you divorce your domestic partner, the courts may order one of you to pay the other a monthly amount or partner support money. To determine the amount of support that will be paid will depend on several factors, such as: -The duration of your domestic partnership, -Both of your ages and your health, -Both…
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Adoption in Orange County CA – Types of Adoption

This posting will attempt to shed some light on Adoption in Orange County CA. Adoption is done to establish a legal parent-child relationship when the two parties are not of blood relation. Once the adoption is finalized, the relationship between the two will be that of a unfeigned parent/child pairing. This new relationship is lasting and the…
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