Category Archives: Child support attorney orange county
Modification of Child Support FAQ: I need Help Modifying a Child Support Order OC, California? Do You Need Help Modifying a Child Support Order in Southern California? When it comes to family law, child support is an important part of a child’s life when his or her parents do not live together. Under California law,…
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Searching for an Orange County Attorney for Child Support in Southern California
Dealing with child support in Southern California, child support can be complicated to determine, but a skilled attorney can help you through the process. The following are questions that you may not think to ask until you are already immersed in a child support case. Do not hesitate to discuss these topics with your family lawyer so you can understand how they apply to your situation.
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California Child Support Guidelines
In California, when creating a child support order, the courts look at several determining factors. You can also find child support calculators online that can give you an idea of how much child support you could potentially owe or be owed by your child’s other parent.
Parents do have the option to create their own child support agreement, but if they cannot agree on one, the court will use a calculation from the California Child support guideline to determine the amount owed in a child support order.
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Here is important information on modifying a child support order in California. In a divorce if there are children present a child support order will be requested. If the parties do not agree on how much support they will give one another they will need to have a judge determine what the appropriate amount will be.…
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When it comes to child support, each parent is equally responsible for the financial needs of his/her child. Thus, if you desire child support from your partner, you must ask for a court order. This can be done from the court or through a local child support agency. The cases for parents who are married…
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Did you know that the depreciation a party claims on a real estate investment is supposed to be added back to the gross income for child support calculation purposes? It is not considered a business expenditure by the Courts, and therefore cannot be used to reduce the amount of income available for support calculations. Because support…
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When a parent is behind on child support payments, that parent is considered “not in compliance” or “criminally non-compliant”. If a payment was paid short or was a few days late, that parent would be considered “not in compliance”. If a long time has passed since a payment or the parent is seriously delinquent in…
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It is important to keep current with your child support orders. During a divorce a court may order you to pay a certain amount in child support based on income. The order will reflect the exact amount that needs to be paid for the child or children. If you find that you are unable to…
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If you would like to make a modification of a child support order it may be necessary to show a change in circumstances such as a new job, the loss of a job, or some inability to pay the court ordered payments. As soon as there is a notable change in circumstances it is important…
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A parent that is incarcerated must pay child support however it will be nearly impossible to collect, unless the person in jail has assets or another income. The person in question must change the child support while s/he is incarcerated otherwise all past due child support will compound resulting in a large sum the person…
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