Tag Archives: amicable agreement

How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost in Orange County?

How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost in Orange County? How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost in Orange County California?: The cost of mediation can be measured in time, financially, emotionally, and mentally for all involved parties, including children of divorcing parents. One of the major benefits of mediation is that it usually costs less than half, and often less than one third, of what a litigated divorce would cost.
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How to Get Custody of a Pet

In a divorce you will need to know how to divide your property and assets appropriately. Further you may be wondering , " how to get custody of a pet?" This can be very tricky because many pet owners view their pets as family members. Many pet owners will fight tooth and nail for their  beloved pets.…
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Divorce Mediators in Orange County California

Divorce mediators in Orange County California are available to assist you with your divorce disputes. The mediation process is a newer form of conflict resolution. If you are unfamiliar with mediation you will want to research the mediation process. Mediation is different than the typical divorce process. If you are looking for a mediator in Orange…
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When to Mediate?

Mediation is voluntary for both sides. This is a method of resolving conflict between two parties. This may be a more affordable approach to conflict resolution. The mediator will assist the two parties in discussing their difference and reaching an amicable agreement. Mediators are to remain a neutral third parties. The mediator is to remain…
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What is a Mediator?

Mediators are to remain unbiased during the course of a mediation session. These mediators help to facilitate dialogue between the two parties. Both parties are to attend mediation of their own free will. Mediation is a less expensive method of conflict resolution. The parties can try and reach an agreement before needed to take the…
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