If you would like to minimize fees and paperwork it may be a good idea to look into a summary dissolution. Just note, a summary dissolution will not change the required six-month waiting period before a divorce is finalized.
A summary dissolution is a simple way to get divorced in California. Though, not all cases will be eligible for a summary dissolution. In order to meet the requirements, the following criteria must be met:
1) The date of filing the Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership or the Joint Petition for a Summary Dissolution of Marriage, the couple must have been registered domestic partners or married for less than 5 years,
2) Before or during the partnership or marriage, the couple must have had no children together that were born or adopted.
3) At the time of filing the FL-800, the couple must not be pregnant,
4) The couple does not own or have an interest in any real estate; for instance, house, land, condominium; rental property, etc.
5) The couple must not own community property that exceeds a total worth of $38,000. Community property is described as possessions that are obtained by the couple during their marriage, with the exceptions of inheritances and gifts.
6) The couples total debt excluding vehicle debt can not exceed $6,000.
7) The couples must meet California’s residency requirements.
• Lived in California for at least 6 months prior to seeking a summary dissolution and
• Lived in the county where the petition for a summary dissolution will be filed for 3 months.