Tag Archives: What is Divorce Mediation?

How does divorce mediation work in California?

Divorce Mediation Attorneys in Orange County California How does divorce mediation work in California: In any divorce, the terms of the divorce agreement need to be determined prior to finalizing the decree. Divorce mediation in California is an alternative approach to solving these issues that come up during a divorce. Rather than going through litigation and allowing a judge to set the terms of your divorce agreement regarding the division of property and debts, spousal support, child support and child custody, mediation lets the divorcing couple set these terms.
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I need help understanding Divorce Mediation in Orange County CA

What is Divorce Mediation? Do you need help understanding Divorce Mediation in Orange County CA: When a couple decides to divorce, the terms of the divorce need to be determined. Terms of every divorce are unique, and some couples may have more to discuss than others. Usually, divorces can include the following terms. • The division of community assets and debts; • Child custody and visitation; • Child support; and • Spousal support.
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