Tag Archives: visitation rights

Orange County mediation attorney, Can I change a detail in my mediation agreement?

The Orange County mediation attorney received a question from a viewer in Los Angeles, California... "Can I change a detail in my mediation agreement?" "Me and my son father agreed in mediation and it was signed as a court order by the judge. As soon as I got my hands on the paper I was…
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Visitation Rights In a Divorce

In a divorce, visitation rights of your child will need to be determined. If both parties cannot reach an amicable agreement regarding visitation schedules then the court will need to intervene. When the court determines visitation rights they will consider what is in the best interest of the child. They will place the child dependent…
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Which mom for Isabella? Same Sex Civil Union, Domestic Partnership

In New York a civil union has ended and mommy has abducted the parties’ then 7 year old daughter fleeing to Managua Nicaragua.  The saga began when Lisa Miller is said to have met Janet Jenkins on or about 1997 at an AA meeting in Falls Church Virginia. The same sex couple began dating entered…
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Types of Child custody in California

Getting a divorce where children are involved means that there will be custody issues to sort through.  There are several types of child custody in California. The judge is the one who makes the final decision on your custody case.  The judge tries to take everything into consideration when making the decision, but what are…
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Child Custody Turned Bad

In February a man named Josh Powell went to court to get full custody of his two sons ages 7 and 5.  The two boys lived with their mother’s parents; their grandparents after their mother went missing a couple years earlier, in which the father lost custody after they found child pornography on his laptop. …
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Supervised Visitations

Supervised visitation is when a child can only have contact with a parent when a neutral third person is present. A judge may order supervised visitation for various reasons. Supervised visitation may be ordered when there is a history of abuse, when there are mental illness, or when there is a parental threat of abduction.…
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How to get Visitation with Your Children

If you are in the middle of a divorce and have questions regarding visitation with your child it is important to speak with a legal profession. For further information you may contact a family law attorney who can assist you with your family law matter. Visitation will be decided by a court order. The parents…
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What is a 730 Evaluation?

What is a 730 Evaluation?, you may be asking yourself.  In simple terms a 730 Evaluation is a psychological test. The psychological test is administered by a qualified psychologist that will score and interpret the test results. The 730 evaluation will involve numerous interviews as well as psychological analysis. Question and answer sessions are conducted with…
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Child Custody and Visitation Orders

When going through a divorce their is a lot of stress that goes on with living arrangements, the visitation and custody of children, and property division. If you are unsure how to resolve these issues you may want to contact a family law attorney. Family law attorneys can assist you with not only the divorce…
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Grandparent’s Visitation Rights

There are several ways a grandparent can get visitation rights to see their grand children. Grand parents and great grand parents of a child get special visitation rights if the child's parent are deceased if it is proven to be in the best interest of the child. It would help greatly if the court finds that the…
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