Domestic Violence victims can be protected by two actions – Criminal and Civil

Domestic Violence victims have two types of actions that can protect them. One is criminal in nature. A domestic violence victim may obtain an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) and if criminal charges are brought, a criminal protective order can be issued. One act of violence can have both criminal and civil implications. In a civil…
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Military services members and Domestic Violence

A Domestic Violence allegation against a military service member can have an immediate and devastating effect on the service member’s employment. If in the Request for Order, (DV-100) the court finds facts that warrant the issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order and one is issued against a military service member he or she will not…
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Information Regarding Restraining Orders

Obtaining a restraining order is no trivial issue. Courts are extremely careful when issuing restraining orders because they may severely limit the ability of a person to communicate or travel. Furthermore, courts also do not want to mistakenly issue restraining orders for misguided reasons. However, restraining orders are vital as a legal mechanism to protect…
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Should I Get a Restraining Order?

If there is domestic abuse a restraining order can be obtained from a judge the next business day after you go to court or sometimes even on the same day. If you have children, it is an especially good idea to go to a lawyer first. Although filing a restraining order is free, an attorney…
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