Tag Archives: modification

How to Modify Child Support?

If you would like to make a modification of a child support order it may be necessary to show a change in circumstances such as a new job, the loss of a job, or some inability to pay the court ordered payments. As soon as there is a notable change in circumstances it is important…
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I would like to obtain more visitation with my child than what Is ordered

If you have a final order (Judgment) in your divorce, legal separation or domestic partnership case and things have changed, now what?  If you are now able to spend more time with your children than was possible when the Judgment was made, you must file for a modification of your visitation if you would like…
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Spousal support modification

If you become aware that your former spouse has been living with someone (boyfriend/girlfriend) for a long period of time that may be a change in circumstance that can trigger a review of the ordered spousal support payments in your divorce/dissolution/ domestic partnership. Call an experienced family law attorney to assist you in filing a…
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