Tag Archives: Mediators

Divorce Mediation Sessions in California

If you have questions regarding divorce mediation sessions in California you have come to the right place. Mediation sessions are offered in most communities. Mediation is a newer forum for resolving divorce related conflicts. The mediation process is voluntary for both parties. This is an avenue many parties take before deciding to follow through with…
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Mediators for Divorce Matters

The mediator’s role is to be a neutral third party. Mediators will ensure that both parties have the opportunity to speak and be heard. It is important that the mediators discuss the ground rules with both of the parties prior to the mediation session commencing. The mediation session is voluntary and it is important that…
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Mediation Information

Mediation sessions are an affordable option for resolving conflict. This is an excellent first step to resolving conflicts in a divorce before needing to result to a divorce process. Divorce although a traditional method of resolving conflicts in a past marriage, can be costly. Finding a divorce attorney can be time consuming and costly depending…
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Mediators Role

The mediators role is to initiate conversation and the flow of dialogue between two parties. Mediation is used to resolve conflicts between parties before having the matter escalate to a court proceeding. It is important that the mediator chosen does not give their opinion. It is up to both parties to reach an amicable agreement…
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Why is Mediation a Convenient Option?

If you are searching for a mediator it is important to find a local agency that offers mediation, or a local attorney that can help mediate. This is often an option for couples who believe their may be a chance for resolution if, the parties meet ahead of time. Mediation is a voluntary process therefore,…
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