Tag Archives: children

Divorce: Parents Working Together

If you decide to get a divorce and there are children involved, you and the other parent will need to rethink how you are raising your children. There are several ways parents can successfully parent their children while they are separated, for instance: -Some parents take on a business-like demeanour with each other. They can calmly and…
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Discussing Divorce with Your Kids

Talking about divorce with your kids can be difficult no matter what their age but here are several phrases that you should never use when approaching this topic with your children. -Your Mother/Father is..... -I don't want to get a divorce from your Mom/Dad, but your Mom/Dad doesn't want to work on it with me... -If you…
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What are the Impacts of Divorce on Children?

Dissolution is a legal process and how it will affect the children of the marriage is largely based on how parents interact with each other on a daily basis. In short, each divorce is unique in the same way each family is unique. Parents should consider the ramifications of their actions outside of meetings with…
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Why would a child need a guardian?

Occasionally,  parents aren't able to give proper care to their children, no matter how much they love them. The child might need to be cared for by a guardian if one or both of the parents: -have a serious physical or mental illness, -are in the military and have to work and stay over seas,…
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Successful parent child communication after a divorce

One of the most difficult things to deal with post-divorce has to be the changed dynamic in seeing your children. Even if the time spent with your children is evenly split between you and your ex-partner, this will seem far from fair to you. Many miscommunications can occur between you and your child during and…
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