How is Child Custody Determined in a Divorce?
How Long Will My Divorce Take?

If you are interested in divorce you may want to consider your child's best interests. During the holidays you may not want to produce so much stress for you and your family. If it is necessary to file for divorce during the holidays you may want to speak with several attorneys regarding your legal options. The attorney can inform you regarding the best course of action to take.

This holidays season it may be beneficial to first conduct research before taking action. In addition, if you feel that your issue can be resolved in mediation before needing to try the court process you may want to try other options. With mediation this is a less stressful  process that you enter into on your own free will. Both parties can decide to willfully attend these sessions in hopes of both finding solutions.

To schedule a free 60-minute consultation you may wish to contact the Irvine Family Law Divorce Lawyers of Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000. Call today to schedule an appointment with an attorney for the firm.

How is Child Custody Determined in a Divorce?
How Long Will My Divorce Take?

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