When recovering from divorce it is important to stay active and involved in the community. Some prefer to be alone but it is not recommended to remain alone for long periods of time. Divorce can be a stressful and confusing time for many. It is important to take this time to reconnect and spend time with family, relatives, friends, or coworkers. In addition, it is important to continue participating in activities that you enjoy.
Speaking with your children about divorce and how they are feeling is an excellent way of coping. Even if your children are not ready to speak to your regarding the divorce it is important that you let them know you are available to them when they are ready. Depending on the age of your children they may cope with the divorce differently, or struggle more. If you find that you or your children are not coping properly it is important to seek the help of a professional. For instance, many people after an extended period of time seek counseling or therapy if they find their symptoms are worsening.
During the divorce process it is important to not bash the other party, regardless of how you are feeling. You must keep in mind the best interests of your children. It is important to try and keep the issues you have with the other party separate from the relationship the child has with your ex. Moreover, having open dialogue with your ex regarding issues with the children such as visitation can alleviate some stress and tension for all parties involved.
For further information regarding family law and recovering from divorce please call your local family attorney. Please call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your family law or divorce matter.