Category Archives: Domestic Violence attorney orange county

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic Violence also know as spousal abuse, domestic abuse, family violence, battering; better known as domestic violence, spousal abuse, battering; intimate partner violence. Domestic Violence is described as a form of abusive actions by one spouse/companion against another in a close bond such as marriage, family, dating, or living together, to get or maintain power…
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Announcing the safe at home program for victims of domestic violence

The safe at home program is a special program available to victims of domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault offered by the California Secretary of State. The program provides use of a confidential address, a free post office box for use with state and local government agencies instead of the actual address of victims of…
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Domestic Violence victims can be protected by two actions – Criminal and Civil

Domestic Violence victims have two types of actions that can protect them. One is criminal in nature. A domestic violence victim may obtain an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) and if criminal charges are brought, a criminal protective order can be issued. One act of violence can have both criminal and civil implications. In a civil…
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Military services members and Domestic Violence

A Domestic Violence allegation against a military service member can have an immediate and devastating effect on the service member’s employment. If in the Request for Order, (DV-100) the court finds facts that warrant the issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order and one is issued against a military service member he or she will not…
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What Does Child Protective Services Help With?

The services that Child Protective Services offer are vast. If you are looking for assistance with a domestic violence issue, they may be of assistance. Counseling is offered to families dealing with various domestic violence situations. If you or someone you know needs help controlling their anger Child Protective Services offers Anger Management courses. For…
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Can Someone Go Back on A Domestic Violence Charge?

At times when their is a domestic dispute the parties may decide to reconcile with their spouse. If the party decides to lift the charges for a domestic violence incident by stating that they were not being truthful this may or may not work. If the officers, and court officials deem this attempt at removing…
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Consequences of a Domestic Violence Charge?

If you or someone you know has been accused of domestic violence it is important to know the consequences of such a charge. If you are found guilty of domestic violence you may be subject to various work related consequences. The following consequences are as follows: 1) If you hold a professional title or license…
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Domestic Violence

Every nine seconds, a woman is assaulted or battered in the U.S, making domestic violence the leading cause of injury to women- more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. However, according to reports from 10 countries, 55-95 percent of women who have been physically abused by their partners had never contacted police for help.…
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How Does Unemployment and the Ecomomy Affect Marriage?

According to an NPR-Kaiser Family Foundation survey, not surprisingly, an increase in the unemployment rate has a negative affect on relationships.  Over one fifth of those unemployed have reported that their unemployment has affected their intimate relationship for the worse. Curiously, as unemployment increases, divorces decrease.  An explanation for this is that while the loss…
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