Category Archives: Child Custody attorneys orange county
Will the age of the child play a role in how the judge determines custody in Orange County?
How will the Age of a Child Play a Role in my Custody Agreement in Orange County?: The age of a child may play a role in your custody agreement, whether it is determined through mediation, collaborative divorce, by a judge or on your own. When a judge approves an agreement, he or she will consider several factors in order to determine whether the custody agreement is in the best interest of the child, and whether it should be signed into an order.
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Help with Parent Relocations and Move-Aways in Orange County
Over 20 percent of minor children in the United States live with just one parent. In many of these cases, the children’s other parent may have partial custody or visitation rights. But what happens when the custodial parent wants to relocate with the child? Although child custody and visitation orders can be legally modified, there are specific laws regarding the relocation of a child away from a parent with custody or visitation rights.
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When you or your spouse decide to divorce, visitation must be worked out between you and your ex. Child visitation during divorce is a huge concern. If you are unable to work out a temporary visitation schedule while the divorce process is in progress, you may need a temporary visitation schedule to be determined by a judge.…
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If you and your ex cannot reach an amicable agreement regarding the custody of your children it will need to be decided in court. While in court the judge has the responsibility of assigning custody of your children based on what is in their best interest. Determining the best interest for your children will require…
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Child Custody is one of the main areas of family law that is disputed during a divorce. This can often be an emotional time for the parties. It is important to keep the child’s best interests at heart. Although the relationship may or may not have ended on the best note, it is important to…
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Juvenile court matters have been confidential and no one other than the parties involved are allowed in the courtroom while court is in session. But recently Honorable Judge Michael Nash, a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge opened juvenile court proceedings to the public. Opening juvenile proceedings has been a debate issue of late because in…
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Can the children decide whom to live with? This is a common question asked. Parents must insure not to use their children as pawns against the other parent because doing so can lead to emotional and psychological harm to minor children involved. During a divorce there will be anger, and hurt feelings but both parents…
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Should you report child abuse if you are a victim or suspect that a child is being abused? Often people are afraid to report abuse for fear of retaliation. Any report that is made to Child Protective Services or CPS is confidential and anybody that makes such a report is insulated by law from any…
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The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act, also known as the (UCCJEA) served to amend years of inconsistent federal case law on the subject. The act provides laws regarding jurisdiction on child custody cases by providing clearer principles and standards for states to exercise original jurisdiction in child custody cases. Additionally, children can be…
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Divorce is difficult, emotionally and legally. Having children makes divorce even more difficult because you have to agree on who gets custody. Many people misunderstand what joint and sole custody are. Not knowing what these terms exactly entail lead to a divorce full of unnecessary expenses and heartache. Sole custody of the children does provide…
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